20 Different Demand Generation Content to Support Pages

Published On: November 17, 2016Categories: Lead Generation

Do you feel that you are doing a monotonous job or you are in a content rut? This happens when there are no fresh set of ideas or topics, which can be good food for the landing page. There can be a phase where your content appears being flat.

There are ways in which this phase can be ruled out by the following tricks and strategies. You will be able to build as well as promote landing pages that generate demands, with the support of this no cost optimization guide. Experimenting is the key to arrive at unique and different types of content. We agree that audiences may love podcasts, but only creating podcasts is a strict no no. A pro tip here; fresh content can make way to attract more and perhaps better leads. To help you play with your content, making it more attractive, engaging and transforming it into a demand generation magnet, following are 20 things one can add behind a landing page.

#1: eBooks:
Ebooks are a smart way to market products without undermining efforts. They have the ability to make your customers come half way in the process, just by going through this marketing collateral. They are unique because they don’t look like marketing material. The basic existence of eBooks provides expertise information or entertainment. EBooks are populary made use of to generate demand, educate the audience and on parallel grounds gain credibility in the industry. eBooks take time to be carved into reality. It is advised to be sure and confident about the topic to be chosen. The topic must be attractive and should portray promising content for the prospect, to be able to make a decision of downloading the eBook to have productive conversation with the sales team.

#2: Training and courses.
The audience might also be interested in filling out a form in return of a video course or tutorial. Making of the video totally depends upon you. You can choose to shoot, edit and produce the video in-house or professional services can also be hired. Live courses can be held, later posting the recording. In each of the two cases make sure participants share their email addresses in exchange. Live case example is that Lynda, which is LinkedIn’s learning platform, practices this in the course previews. Here users can watch the first minute lesson and after the preview ends, a prompt to start a free trial appears.

#3: Trials
Trials are not limited to attributes like courses. At times prospects wish to try out a product before making a purchase decision, as they want to evaluate if the product is a good fit. It is a good thing as this will enable growth of convinced and loyal customer base. This is a good enough reason to provide free trial of products and services without risk, obligation or monetary pressure, the basic requirement should be filling out the form.

#4: Demonstrations
Demonstrations make it easier for visitors to learn more about the products and services offered. Demo calls can be actionable on key pages of the website, including the home page. These basically are valuable on sections of the website, and explain the highlights and features of the products and services. Once you attract interest of the user, and then make it smoother to schedule a demo.

#5: Contests
Contests are liked by people. It is a good way to gauge knowledge about the audience while keeping them busy; this will also grow your reach and drive traffic to the website, in return generating leads. Contests can be run on the website, or for that matter on any social media platform, a wide choice is available. Facebook, Pinterest Instagram and many more platforms are available. The level of keeping it simple or complicated can be decided by you.

#6: Cheat Sheets
Cheat sheets are short and concise offers, that can be bookmarked for reference in the future. These can be conceived as comprehensive guides that make way to terms, symbols, commands or any other things. These must be formatted for a quicker reference, and should contain clear headers and not a lot of detail. More visual is better.

#7: Checklists
Checklists are a different type of short offers that can be put behind the landing page, which can be downloaded or printed by users. Clear headers and a colorful design keeping the copy brief, are a good option to choose from.

#8: Email Series
Email series is something where multi-part series of emails are sent to individuals who have specifically made a choice to opt and receive them. Do not confuse between email series and an email subscription, they are different.

#9: Email subscriptions
Business blogging is not only capable of driving traffic to the website, it infact can also be a major source for demand generation in the road map. But the question is how can blog readers be converted into leads?
The trick is, initially make them your dedicated subscribers by simply asking their email ID, and in exchange send them new blog posts on daily, weekly or monthly basis. Subscription can be made easier by including a single step form on the blog.

#10: Guides
Guides are available in different shapes and sizes. Ultimate guides are one’s that are long in-depth and generally include detailed explanations along with screenshots and step wise instructions. Simple guides in a shorter and more concise manner are also available. There is a whole variety of guides like tactical, pocket, introductory and advanced guides available, well the list goes on.
Have you heard about common denominator? They simply are tutorials and majority of them include step wise instructions. To make it simpler, we have an example – the Canadian internet Registration Authority uses a landing page for the “Ultimate Guide to choosing a Domain”. The guide is simple; it has been branded well and briefly explains what users can get out of the download.

#11: Kits
As the word denotes, is an assortment of pieces of content arranged together into a single offer. They are a great alternative to re adapt existing content by collecting various offers on similar topics clubbing it into a collection. An example to support – HubSpot offers an Inbound Marketing Kit, which is inclusive of an interactive presentation, along with a report including original data, research and glossary.

#12: Original Data & Research. Data & metrics have turned to be equally valuable while many fields become data-intensive. If the team has a capacity, original and data-heavy industry reports can be a factor to build trust and authority with the audience. But Curation takes a lot of time, efforts along with resources and expertise.

#13: Podcasts Podcasts have the ability to build audience and also has the power to establish brand as a medium of expertise, along with showing off the organizations personality. Podcasts, literally put a voice to the brand, and the making are relatively low in budget. All that you need is a decent microphone, and a smart, lively and fun host who can keep the audience nailed to the chairs every time a new podcast is released. Podcast as a lead generation tool: the best way to make use of your podcast for lead generation is, to ask listeners to subscribe to the updates relating to the podcast.

#14: SlideShare presentations. SlideShare is equally efficient like blog posts to attract great traffic, few marketers choose to share this collateral openly without hiding it behind any form. Well this does not restrict from offering downloads in exchange of some information. If the slideShare is good enough, it can be worked around with. But that doesn’t mean you can’t offer a download of your SlideShare in exchange for some information. If your SlideShare is good enough, converting readers into leads can be an easier affair.

#15: Templates
Templates can be treated as big offers, since they equip readers with a skeleton for creating original things by themselves. Templates can be in different forms, for example- calendars, worksheets along with different outlines that can benefit variety audiences in a template form.

#16: Events
Events can be a great source of garnering information from attendees, so that this information can later be used in order to send or email so that an ID badge can be made ready before hand. Events can be any, you can choose according to the requirement from choices below like a meet or greet, or a big scale conference in a big city.
Making use of Google forms is a great idea; this way a healthy follow up can be maintained, by informing attendees about similar occasions. It also is an excellent way to stay connected with people met at the event. Calls to action can be added up in follow-up communications, this can be a way to invite users to follow you on social media and other type of content could also be subscribed.

#17: Tools
Interactive tools might be difficult and might need involvement of a considerable amount of time to be created, but if they look promising and helpful for the target audience, they can pay of really really well.

#18: FOC Apps
Free products definitely have the potential to attract business. They as a matter of fact have great opportunity for lead generation. One can try giving free versions of the product or service; it can be less in features than a full blown version. Without risk, obligation, or credit card can work better. The only thing obligatory should be to fill out a form.

#19: Webinars
Thought leadership around the industry can be achieved via webinars. They are useful introductory content formats. Successful webinar is a compilation of huge amount of work. Especially plans and promotions involve major efforts. Right strategy can make a great way to generate high quality leads.

#20: Whitepapers
White papers are very different from eBooks. They are more academic and credible reports. They are structured in order to present a problem and then provide solutions to it. People download Whitepapers for its authoritative, detailed and informative attributes; whitepapers are valuable marketing collateral. The best thing about whitepapers is that, they can be created for almost every industry. Arriving towards the end note, eBooks to templates or apps, and each and every kind of content that is put behind the landing page has a specific purpose and job. Experimenting with different varieties of offers, one can observe and keep a check on which ones resonate with the audience and will have maximum potential to convert leads. Keeping the audience, interested and intrigued is important, so new topics and formats can be introduced.