5 Rules For Real Estate Digital Marketing

Published On: July 27, 2015Categories: Digital Marketing

Are real estate business owners facing more contradictory claims or choices to connect with customers/ clients online? If we talk about facts and figures, nine out of ten people initiate their search for real estate online. So what should realtors do to improve their marketing strategies?
Can digital marketing activities influence realtors to get high quality conversion leads or will the dynamic trend of digital marketing provide a practical and efficient approach to connect with real estate customers?

Here’s 5 Rules for Real Estate Digital Marketing:

Rule 1: Create Templates For Microsites

Being a real estate professional, create an effective marketing strategy using template for microsite. A template will give your site a dynamic and consistent look, which enable realtors to reduce the development cost, identifying your brand in the marketplace.

Rule 2: To Gain No #1Position Is Not So Easy

With Google keep on rolling the new updates, it’s quite difficult to gain the first position on search engine. However, it takes at least 5-6 months for a new website to come to first page, with competition apart. With SEO activities (on-page and off-page optimization), it can be possible.

Rule 3: SEO Can Never Guarantee Result In The First Month

If the site is newly launched, you can’t expect any result in its first month. In-fact, none of the SEO Companies can produce result in a month’s time. Eventually, if you search for real estate keywords, it’s quite obvious that the “Big Brands” will appear at the top.

Rule 4: SEO- “Not A Campaign”- It’s An Long-Term Effort

Search engine optimization is a long term effort- It shouldn’t be confused with campaign. If you want to generate leads, then you need to create a Google AdWords campaign or even run Facebook Ads.

Rule 5: Google Adwords Are Costlier Affair

Probably, targeting audience through Google AdWords campaign is a costly, therefore, it is recommended to run Facebook Ads that will help to improve the online presence and brand recognition.

The reality is that most realtors fall short of effective SEO activities in today’s marketplace. So, for quick and effective result, follow these five rules for real estate marketing. If you would like further assistance, get in touch with Vidushi’s Digital Marketing Expert today!