Demystifying Search Engine Optimization

Published On: July 26, 2013Categories: SEO Services

Do you think that SEO is a magic? Building a good SEO is all about hard work, attention to details, well-planned strategies, and understanding its procedure. Just planning strategies is not enough; rather it is essential to execute it effectively. The main aim of a SEO lies in publishing a compelling online content, then optimizing it so as to appear on the first position of any search engine. It is also necessary to think differently about how to reach the customer effectively.

25% of SEO is On-page optimization (Meta-tags, URLs, Website Structure, and Content) and 75% of SEO is Off-page optimization (Link building). With the new social media marketing techniques such as Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, and You Tube, SEO might have taken a back seat, but a well executed search engine optimization campaign will drive the targeted traffic to your website. For targeting the clients and driving traffic, it is essential to understand the requirement of the client on their terms. Let’s have a look at some of the best practiced SEO techniques.

Best Practice SEO Techniques

  • 1. No Magical Formula: There is no short-cut to success. If you want the website to be ranked on the top most position of any search engine (Google, Yahoo, Bing), then ensure good quality content and effective search engine optimization strategies. With Google Panda and Penguin updates rolling from time to time, several websites has suffered a hit. Avoiding hidden text, keyword stuffing, and link framing can reduce the risk of these updates.
  • 2. Value based Content Marketing: Creating content as per target audience is the demand for today, which acts as an successful content marketing strategy. To get the attention of the search engine, these contents should be published and shares via articles, blogs, info-graphics, press release, white papers, niche reports, pictures and videos. Ensure that the content is unique and dynamic.
  • 3. Stick to the Basics: Never ignore the parameters such as evaluation of content, on-page SEO factor, reviewing site structure and quality of inbound link.
  • 4. Think Mobile: With social media, mobile devices continues to communicate and perform business online. A well designed mobile friendly content will ensure good amount of traffic to your website.

In nut shell, these search landscapes will keep on changing with the latest updates, so be ready with an effective strategies and search engine marketing campaign to encounter these issues. An adaptive SEO will make you stand ahead of the crowd. If you want to improve your search engine optimizing strategies, get in touch with our internet marketing consultant at 9580986988.