Effective SEO Work Delegation Tools

Published On: January 21, 2017Categories: SEO Services

If you are a solo SEO or a team player in the organization, the ultimate aim of an SEO is to stay on top with projects. Project management skills, should not be a prototype and with the project manager exclusively. Infact Project management skills should be driven towards delivering world-class & high quality, on time & efficient delivery of projects.

The Management’s Hat

A podcast episode from Freakonomics reveals the fact of rare rewards to maintainers. Maintainers are basically the people who work behind the scenes, and strive hard to get work done by people in a reliable manner. The sad part here is that these folks usually go unnoticed. In the corporate structure, there is not much recognition or praise given to project managers. They are the ones who take the ownership and responsibility, of keeping engagements in a good flow. This probably happens as there is no thrill or excitement associated with this job.

So do we run to a conclusion that, only when things aren’t that smooth Project managers get recognition? The reward system not being in place means that there is not much that is been imparted to PM’s, Consultants or Account Managers in terms of excellent organizational skills which is one of the most valuable asset.

In short, the message communicated is, Innovation is the only recognizing factor that is praise worthy. It does not matter even if it is not the essential path, towards getting work done. It is Ironic yet true that, innovation is the result of exemplary project management framework. The awareness of, specifically knowing the pattern to delegate work to colleagues & keeping a tab of effective organizational traits, is of utmost importance. This allows freeing up attention for the headspace & save concentration that brilliance requires.

If not then, the head seems to be a clutter filled with a floating to-do list, which seems impossible to be pinned down. Never the less, the professional crunch time is apt for you to put on the project management hat, to organize yourself. Explore below to know more about tools & tricks that can be a helpful formula, for you to stay on top of your projects. This will also show ways of delegating tasks, without losing touch on projects.

Choose tools that have the ability to match your Requirement

There are multiple questions that occupy the mind of a Project manager, he always thinks of making processes easier and smoother. One passive and permanent conversation that always pops up is which the best Project management tool to be used. Well highlighting the truth here, every tool is equally helpful & useful, if it is used to its full capacity. The obvious irony here is that “every tool is good if it is actually used.”

How to get started? While choosing Project Management tools, it is advisable to go with preferred ways for project tracking, reminders & note keeping. Based on the role & learning, few tools will perform better than others for you.

Inbox by Gmail

This is very different from classic Gmail. The two very important features of an Inbox, is the capacity to snooze emails for a defined day & time, the other aspect is that an inbox must be capable of saving reminders for oneself. These functions are important as they have a pattern of informing you, what you need to know, and when you need to know. The snoozing and reminder saving feature will enable you to use the feature as to-do list, at any given point in time. The Inbox can be used as a personal assistant to be reminded about deliverable tasks.

Google Drive

As we all are aware about the strength Google Drive has, apart from GDrive that consists of Documents, sheets & presentations, it definitely allows real-time collaboration with clients and colleagues. This saves time and also saves you from the havoc of re doing things.

Comments and tagging also help save a lot of resourceful time, by tagging and adding real time comments to be dealt with.


Trello can be used as a good to-do list; it can also be used for tracking web development or SEO Projects. If you are a fan of text over visuals, Basecamp is also worth a try.


Asana is yet another powerful project management tool, used based on the projects in hand. In case you are on the development side of the business JIRA is a good to go tool. In reality it is impossible to manage and delegate work without having assistance from these tools.

Ways to Delegate Effectively and Efficiently

Briefing session of about 10 to 15 minutes is the best way to give a kick start to the delegation process. The conversation is beneficial, and helps you understand the bandwidth and capacity of colleagues being able to perform the given tasks. To delegate a large number of deliverables, layout can be made use of which includes pointer like- Delegate page, content briefs and technical & backlinks audits, the flow goes as below.


This should contain the precise timeline, with enough handy time in order to review the task before delivering it to stakeholders. The timeline criterion will depend on the capacity of colleagues to deal with the task.


This portion of the pattern describes the format in which work needs to be delivered. Options can be many like, Google Doc, Excel etc, it should be specific.

Expected Hours

One of the challenging task, here you predict the time line needed from the start to the end of the project. Attributes like experience, history of work can be taken into account. A timely and regular check is a must before reaching the deadline.

Timely Checks with the Delegate

Next steps to be taken into account after giving out the brief is to have regular checks with delegates along the way. This will help benefit even an experienced employee. In person or face to face meetings, or a minute call to touch base are always helpful.

The steps above are a healthy way to see if everything and everyone is on the right track. It is imperative for both, the person delegating and the delegate to be on the same grounds and have set check points, with a required amount of feedback.

In its true essence, great project management skills & delegation techniques are a way to future proof. They allow you to be on top, heedless of what life throws at you. Best SEO in the world is no one, if he or she does not know the ways to manage projects tactfully & effectively. Hence, now it certainly is the time to celebrate maintainers, who pull the show behind the scenes, even in complex situations.

A large burden from the project gets lighter, if project management skills and processes are in place. It will definitely award an opportunity to juggle between projects and yet come out with flying colors.