Gearing Up for SEO in 2017

Published On: December 20, 2016Categories: Digital Marketing

SEO has always been a challenging affair. The basic layout of SEO is to be one step ahead of competition. As we all know SEO is one of the best tools that encourages visibility and branding of businesses. While we are stepping into the New Year, it is important to gear up with information that is going to be trending in 2017. This will help webmasters plan their moves beforehand.

SEO definitely is dynamic in nature, and changes in SEO happen faster than Bolt’s sprints. Studies state that, statistically SEO is a better reward earner than any other traditional form of marketing. So, it is inevitable to include SEO in your new or existing marketing plans to give your business a boost.

Let’s get some views and insights about what is going to be hot, in terms of SEO trends for the year 2017 and beyond. Will the coming year highlight Machine learning or voice search, it’s time we find it out.

1. Machine Learning has the power to modify the Way Algorithm Works.

Google’s RankBrain is machine-learning artificial intelligence system that makes it possible for Google to process, rare and one-of-a-kind queries. Hummingbird added more value to this, as it made conversational search more feasible for Google. Hummingbird is functioned to update its algorithm automatically. Well! There hasn’t been an update like this post Hummingbird. It was definitely a “Caffeine Update”. Hence, I am sure we are overdue for another one probably this year. Anticipation says Google perhaps is on its way to release more of machine learning updates, as the year passes by. We may definitely come across machine learning in different areas like DI or Marketing automation.

2. Increase in Accelerated Mobile Pages

Accelerated mobile Pages, an open source technology is nothing but an HTML page, designed to be super light and can be loaded super fast. Many fondly also call it diet HTML. AMPs are efficient enough to instantly load pages on mobile devices. The basic idea here is undergoing few changes to the site can help pages load at four times faster rate using eight times lesser data. Google already practices favoring sites that have remodeled to AMP’s. 2017 definitely opens ups more avenues for AMP’s and is anticipated that more and more brands will take timely advantage of this option.

3. Increase in importance for dense content

The internet audience is now sick and bored of reading similar content every now and then. At the early stages, content marketing was focused on generating small pieces of content. The trends seems to be changing from the past few years , content is experiencing a surge, by which we mean, now content needs to be denser covering the topic more comprehensively. In the current scenario, internet is over flown by both type of content. So the focus in future will stress more on providing as much as valuable information as possible.

4. Schema Markup

Schema is one of the new and improvised formats for optimization. It definitely is powerful yet underutilized. Once the concept and process of schema is understood, websites in search engine result pages can be boosted. Making use of schema markup makes it smoother for search engines to comprehend your site, ensuring that it is correctly displayed. Schema markup is very useful for displaying rich answers by Google. As per statistics, Google has surged with the usage of quick answers. Schema makes sure that the site is ever ready. So now we know how important and trending schema markup is for SEO in future.

5. User Experience Optimization

User experience has always been top priority for SEO, at least to a certain degree. Similarly Google is also concerned about the user experience and encourages correctly optimized sites for mobile devices, especially the ones that load quickly. 2017 is anticipated to see increased significance on user experience.

6. Apps to enjoy the importance

Past few years have experienced a noticeable increase in SEO alternatives for mobile apps. Deep linking to content within apps has seen success of app streaming. This can be done without even having the need to download the app on mobile. Until now, Google has served app users without separating core functions, but 2017 probably might see a twist of more favoritism towards apps.

7. The power of voice search.

Personal digital assistants like Siri, Cortana have brought in a lot of ease in our lives. They have also managed to garner increased verbal, conversational queries, which users widely use in terms of search.

2017 is all set to open newer avenues for both diversified as well as increased sophistication of useful features. It is also foreseen that, 2017 will open doors for newer and advanced techniques of conversational queries. The above is an anticipated overview of how 2017 might turn out for the SEO world. It definitely looks quite interesting and exciting and it for sure contains a takeaway for each one of us.