Google Panda 4.2 Start Rolling Out

Published On: July 24, 2015Categories: Digital Marketing

The most awaited Google Panda refresh will begin this weekend, but the complete roll-out will take approx 2 months. All SEO professionals need to be on their toes, as the change will eliminate the low quality content or spammy content which are trying to rank high on search engine result page (SERP). Google Panda update is designed to target pages that have duplicate content, thin content, and machine-generated content. It also stops scrappers for republishing other company’s content on their website.
With the announcement of Panda 4.2, it is a new challenge from small-medium and large business owners to adhere to the Google policies to avoid unnecessary penalty. Prior to this, Google Panda refresh rolled out 10 months back – Google Panda 4.1 in the month of September last year. According to Search Engine land, Google Panda 4.2 is rolling out incredibly slowly and will affect almost 2%–3% of search queries.

The Good news is that if you witness a rise in the website traffic by the end of next week, then Panda 4.2 update is working in your favor.

Moreover, to identify duplicate or copied content, you can use the premium version of Copyscape Plagiarism Checker.

Who Will Be Benefited With Google Panda Update? – The Winners


Small-medium business focusing on quality, not quantity

Website with unique and fresh content

For effective Google Panda Update Recovery, get in touch with Vidushi’s Digital Marketing Expert today!