Google Panda – Now a Part of Google’s Core Ranking Signals!

Published On: January 13, 2016Categories: Google Updates

Google Panda, one of the most noteworthy spam fighting algorithms, is part of Google’s core ranking signals from now onwards. Search engine marketing consultant Jeniffer Slegg, confirmed this news by saying:
“Panda is an algorithm that’s applied to sites overall and has become one of our core ranking signals. It measures the quality of a site, which you can read more about in our guidelines. Panda allows Google to take quality into account and adjust ranking accordingly.”

Authenticity of this statement is confirmed by Gary Illyes from Google. Still, it is unclear when this actually happened and thus, search engine optimizers are trying their best to find it out. Possibly, it happened at the end of 2015.

This Google update was not an unexpected one because, the search engine industry was well-aware of this algorithm, since a long time. Now that this news is confirmed by Google, SEO industry should put in their best effort to overcome the changes that they might experience because of this update. Gone are the days when Google updates used to sneak many web pages featuring low content. With Google Panda becoming an integral part of algorithm, marketers should be very conscious of what they are uploading. The SEO industry will have to take more stress and even more responsibility.

Google update is always about penalizing websites featuring low-quality content. Websites having awful content cannot rank better in the search engines, because customers don’t prefer going through non-informative content. Thus, to improve ranking of your webpage, you can hire professional content writing services. You should not forget that Panda is all about content and is not about technical problems. If you can create high quality informative content, Panda will not harm your site.