Google Rolls Out Helpful Content Update 2023 – Impact and Strategies.

Published On: September 26, 2023Categories: SEO

A new algorithm for the helpful content system is released as part of the Google September 2023 Helpful Content Update. As a result, Google will be able to identify the whole website as per your website’s current content and rank on the Google search engine which is beneficial for consumers.

It will be expected that it will take roughly two weeks to finalize the update, which started rolling out on September 14, 2023. It is important to remember that the upgrade applies to all websites, regardless of their size or sector.

What is the Google helpful content update impacts in 2023?

The Google Helpful rollout will affect poor-quality, duplicate material that does not rank highly in Search. It values content made for use by humans over content created to rank highly in search. At present, this has an impact on Google Search and Google Discover.

The whole website will be impacted by this upgrade because it is a site-wide algorithm. This Google algorithm update now relates to all languages and worldwide content, including English-language content.  Google is notified that this algorithm rollout will be more impactful for online entertainment, retail, and tech-related content.

More Factors of Google Helpful Content Update

By staying informed and implementing Google’s helpful content algorithm effectively, you can maintain a strong online presence and connect with your target audience.

Content “written by people” or “AI-generated machines”

In the previous version, Google mentioned that the is to “better ensure people see original, helpful content written by people, for people, in search results, But now Google has made an update and written more specific things like “helpful content created for people in search results.”  I mean if this content is written by the AI but if you made changes to be specific to your targeted audience it will be okay that would be helpful if this is in the original information focused for the users.

Third-Party Content

As previously stated, Google has specified an additional sentence: “If you host third-party content on your main site or in your subdomains, understand that such content may be included in site-wide signals we generate, such as the helpfulness of content. For this reason, if that content is largely independent of the main site’s purpose or produced without close supervision or the involvement of the primary site, we recommend that it should be blocked from being indexed by Google.”

If you are creating third-party content, make sure that while providing the content it should be clear and unique & it is be considered high-quality.

Gary Illyes from the Google Search team shared their opinion on why Google now added this section to the helpful content documentation. “We’ve heard (and also noticed) that some sites “rent out” their subdomains or sometimes even subdirectories to third parties, typically without any oversight over the content that’s hosted on those new, generally low-quality micro-sites that have nothing to do with the parent site. In fact, the micro-sites are rarely ever linked from the parent sites, which don’t actually want to endorse these often-questionable sites. The only reason the owners of these shady (?) micro-sites rent the sub-spaces is to manipulate search results., he posted on LinkedIn.

Reviewed By The Expert

If you are not a specialist on the topic, Google has suggested that it is helpful to get your content reviewed by an expert.

It is stated more clearly in their documentation that “Is this content written or reviewed by an expert or enthusiast who demonstrably knows the topic well? It is more clear on E-E-A-T signals in SEO which is expertise as part of their topic like medical, financial and legal laws which is very authentic information by any expert.

Adding Or Removing Content

Once again google has mentioned the line “Are you adding a lot of new content or removing a lot of older content primarily because you believe it will help your search rankings overall by somehow making your site seem “fresh?” (No, it won’t)”. For example, if you are going to change the old written blog content of the year 2017 to the year 2023, you should take care of the latest information on that particular topic based on updated information that is purposefully for the audience.

Changing Dates Of Content

Google has clearly mentioned the line in the content “Are you changing the date of pages to make them seem fresh when the content has not substantially changed?”  This is a common SEO technique for updating content which comes mostly from the blog. There are a few changes to their old content which is from years ago, needful action you can take to update the date and republish it with the new trending keywords in the current content.

Do The Needful Self-Assess Of Website Content If Hit.

Google added, “If you’re producing helpful content, then you don’t need to do anything; in fact, this system may be good for your site, as it is designed to reward helpful content.” Google clearly mentioned that if there is a decline in traffic after the rollout, there should be needful action to take on your content. You should self-assess your content make helpful content and fix the old content with the updated or latest relevant information into it.

More Things To Note From The SEO Point Of View.

This work is continuous, especially for the content. We’ll share more about our work in this area in the future,” Google mentioned in their published documents. Make sure that while writing the content do the right practices like E-EAT expert-backed content, fresh information-based reviews, and site-wide quality. Try to focus on your audience’s needs and their queries according to the search queries absolutely it works for both search engines and searching audiences. If you need practical assistance in enhancing your strategy, our team of experts is available to provide guidance.