How mobile and user friendly optimization helps your website in 2015?

Published On: February 3, 2015Categories: Digital Marketing, SEO Services

I don’t think to tell you that mobile traffic is growing at a faster pace. In true sense, you can take a look at the number of mobile visitors on your website as compared to the previous year’s data.Though 2014 was already announced as the year for mobile, but in 2015, mobile traffic including search and apps has is expected to surpass desktop traffic drastically. Perhaps, this is the reason why Google introduced the ‘mobile-friendly’ label to their mobile search results.

Since mobile marketing has gained immense growth in its popularity over the years, Vidushi Infotech– has changed the face of business and marketing, providing customized mobile site solutions to customers across the globe. In addition, our experts have also created custom web development, creating responsive website. For personalized and tailor-made products/services, Mobile Site Solutions is the perfect answer to it.

Why Organizations should have a Mobile-friendly Website in 2015?

  • Traffic Ratio: Now that Google has introduced the ‘mobile-friendly’ label to their mobile search results, it’s quite obvious that the number of mobile visitors on your website will increase, creating a positive impact on your website’s click-through rate (CTR) with higher Return On Investment (ROI).
  • Mobile Rankings: In the recent past, Google has penalizes websites in mobile search that are not mobile-friendly. Consequently, mobile-friendly website rank high, providing better customer-experience. To put it simply, if your website is not mobile friendly, it is bound to lose potential customers.
  • Generate Revenue Through Mobile: A mobile-friendly website will never result in loss in the revenue for your organization; rather with high website’s click-through rate (CTR) and ranking, it will generate leads with better Return-On-Investment (ROI).

What problems can be faced if you don’t have a mobile-friendly website?

  • It will not provide a good user experience
  • The information is skewed, i.e. it cannot be visible on the screen
  • Difficult to read and navigate through the pages

Benefits of mobile-friendly website

  • The website will be user-friendly; easy and effective navigation.
  • Increase in Local searches, leading to traffic generation, ultimately generating sales and revenue.
  • Be ahead of the competitors and dominate the internet marketing world.
  • The website won’t be penalized by Google, since it is optimized for mobile.In a nutshell, mobile-friendly website will enable users to not just look at and respond to emails, but also connect through various sites on the internet.For Mobile Site Solution and Custom Web Development, get in touch with Vidushi’s Digital Marketing Expert today.