Image Sitelink Extensions Spotted On Adwords Mobiles Ads

Published On: November 29, 2016Categories: Google Updates, Mobile Marketing

To begin with let’s get some revision done, and understand the importance of sitelinks once again. Sitelinks ad extensions are placed below the ad texts, making it easy for the user to reach his or her destination on the website just with a single click (this is done in addition to the main landing page).Adding sitelinks is an optimization technique, and is a good practice for healthy traffic on the website.

Google is a trend setter, and here we have one more variation to Adwords. Google is in the process of testing “images in Sitelink extensions”. In layman’s terms, Google is experimenting with sitelinks in an image format for mobile users in a swipeable carousel display. The roll out is spotted on mobile devices; it is not clear yet if this will be up and running on desktop as well. Visuals speak louder than text, they tend to leave a stronger impact, and image sitelink extensions are a way to promote products and services visually to elicit web traffic of better quality.

More About Images In Sitelink Extensions

Image extensions have a history of being there and fading out and now they are back again. Google had tested them way before in the year 2013, but the fact is that these extensions never really took off. Bing also had its version of image sitelinks introduced last November (16th November 2015) out of the beta stage. The release of Bing Ads image extension was announced for search ads on PC’s and tablets, it was not rolled out for the mobile market. The litmus test of image sitelinks gives us a picture of Google’s another spin to the images in text ads, this time in the form of Sitelinks test.

Inclusion of images in the sitelinks extension is an interesting curve, in the same way the carousel is used for another extension. In the near past, Google had even made changes to the display format and introduced a swipeable carousel for Price extensions.

Image site links for sure are going to be an interesting experiment to witness. It would be really fascinating for webmasters to keep an eye on the performance of image text links as compared to standard sitelinks.