Improve Customer Engagement with Inbound Marketing

Published On: August 18, 2015Categories: Digital Marketing, Lead Generation

Customer engagement, for marketers, is simply building relations between businesses and their existing consumer market. Engaging activities at regular intervals is the key to achieving customer engagement reward. Engaging with your customers and developing a more personal connection offer a great advantage – a massive, loyal, and long-term customer base. Since customers are in the driver’s seat now, the businesses that don’t deliver an omni-channel customer experience will be forced to take the backseat. If you really wish to close the leads and make them your regular customers, you should definitely embrace Inbound Marketing.

Inbound Marketing, an effective customer engagement strategy since years, is all about connecting with your existing and potential customers. It helps you attract the right audience and visitors, eventually converting them into competent leads. To help you stand out in the marketplace, Inbound Marketing actually helps customers rather than just selling them a product. It allows you to become a trusted source of information for your customers. Here’re the five steps to help you with your Inbound Marketing success.

Create Buyer Personas
Understand your customers’ stories; they’re the ones that help you know how to best reach them
Understand their business, role, challenges, goals, search behavior, likes/dislikes, competition, and industry issues
Segment your customers into personas
Think about what problems your audience face & what they search for
Use your online metrics to investigate, research & collect data

Nurture Leads Using A Sales Funnel

Attract —->Convert —->Close —->Delight

At every stage of the sales funnel, consider adding the value for the customer
Inform & educate
Keep in regular personalized contact

Leverage Quality Content
Make use of the offers such as videos, e-books, or webinars to gain more information about your clients – free whitepapers, expert interviews, case studies, presentations, videos, and insightful industry reports
Every piece of information you gather helps inform your buyer personas and better qualify your leads
Strike the balance between the perceived value and the information you asked for

Convert Landing Pages
Landing page optimization is critical in Inbound Marketing
Make sure that your landing pages follow the best practice and are uncluttered
Ensure that your CTAs are bold & inviting
Make another offer or link to useful information for thank you pages

Multiply Your Efforts Using Workflow
Automate your workflows to nurture leads; workflows keep regular personalized content flowing to your customers – email campaign, free download, demo invite, webinar, and phone calls
Design the right kind of workflows
Make sure that your customers see the exact content they want to see

Once you implement five these tips, you can immediately start building your reputation and inbound campaign. A reliable statistical record states that the constant use of Inbound Marketing shows as much as 200-300% of improvement in ROI (marketing), reducing the lead acquisition costs by 60%. If you would like help understanding Inbound Marketing and campaigns, hire Vidushi’s dedicated seo expert now!