Infographics should be a part of SEO plan

Published On: June 20, 2017Categories: Digital Marketing, SEO Services

In the past few years infographics have rapidly gained popularity in the world of internet. We know they are here to stay! Infographics in fact are a great combination of visual & text information. Very prominent on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Instagram & Pinterest.

Well! But when it comes to search optimization, it is difficult for people to believe that infographic can as well be a strong catalyst. To elaborate and make things clearer, there certainly is something peculiar about the way an infographic conveys content. A customizable and digestible format makes these informative pictures easily grab attention making them highly shareable. We now know how and where infographics can be used, but it is more of value to understand how infographics can be a good fit in your own SEO strategy.

Below are the reasons why infographics should without fail be a part of your SEO strategy even in the year 2017.

1. Make content more fun
Infographics take the responsibility of conveying boring information to readers in an attractive and easy to comprehend piece of content. The combination of visual plus text format, works towards captivating the reader.

2. The physiological quotient
Let us begin with mentioning a few facts. (a) When information is heard the human brain tends to remember only 10% of it. (b) However, when information is in a mix of visuals and information, the human mind is trained to remember about 65% of the given information up to 72 hours So, to keep your organization, the deal or your products more on the prospects mind, infographic is a strong tool.

3. The future of content marketing
About 78% of Marketing officers and heads strongly believe, infographics is the future of content marketing. The reason being, consumers find such information more helpful, and data also reveals that post coming across a well created and drafted infographic, 60% of customers seek for the product or service.

4. Works best with less showcase time
Brands get very little time to share their message online. Data says that 55% of website visitors read the content on page for less than 15%. As visual content is having the capacity to garner more shares, in return it also generates referral traffic and earns relevant links from websites.

Hence, from an SEO point of view infographic till date is the best and one of the most efficient ways of link building. It has a track record of creating a high number of backlinks in comparison to various other link building methods on the internet.

Apart from all the above, Infographics are highly shareable and linkable and makes the content viral. So, if you have not included infographics in your SEO plan for 2017, we insist you should.