Latest Google October Core Update 2023 Released

Published On: October 6, 2023Categories: Digital Marketing, Google core update, SEO

Google announced the third major algorithm change in the year 2023 in the Month of October . After the month of March 2023, it took two weeks to wrap up by March 28th. After this first one Google again announced the second significant core update in the month of August 2023 it started rolling out on end month. Again Google released the one more September update with the HCU rollout.

Understand why Google releases October core update in 2023

Google aims to show the right results to its users, taking into account various factors such as user expectations technological advancements day to day-to-day changes. In order to ensure visitors’ satisfaction while searching the results and enhance its search outcomes. Google always tries to enhance the quality of search results for every business category and their services. The Google October 2023 core update is expected to roll out in the coming two weeks. 

What exactly care after this Google core update rollout 

You might have noticed in the future that your website’s ranking will be affected by a recent Google October algorithm update. This is a common impact in the world of search engine optimization. Now in this case you should be actively working on this situation and adjusting your own strategies to adapt to these October core update changes. As compared to the past core updates, this updates will take several weeks near to more than two weeks to finalize. For those who are worried about fluctuations in website rankings, it is recommended to check their website content to identify ways to enhance its value and relevance.

Advice for improving SERP ranking after Google Core Update 

Website Quality Maintain: It’s very important to know that Google multiple times updates its core algorithms to provide visitors with high-quality search results and the most relevant content according to the keyword search.

In-depth analysis: You need to conduct a complete analysis of the specific changes from the Core update point of view and how they have impacted your website’s visibility. Certain websites have been impacted by this Google core update October 2023, whereas others are staying unaffected.

Recovery:  If there is a sudden down in the ranking, you should check the website’s performance, including speed, mobile-friendliness, low-quality backlinks, and security. identify potential areas for improvement and take action accordingly.

Helpful content update: Optimize your website’s content, check the current ranking keywords according to the search volume, analyze the user behavior, latest ranking factors based on the on and off page and quality guidelines which are set by Google. Even applying these things, It may take several weeks or time to fully recover your previous rankings to maintain a stable position. 

User Experience: Continuously monitoring your website’s performance based on mobile friendliness and loading speed, are the more things to improve your site ranking. 

Understand EEAT: Google has rolled out the  E- E-A-T (expertise, experience, authority, and trustworthiness.)  which is one more major factor in determining how web pages should rank in Google search results.  If you applied E-EAT concept to your website, it notifies that the content is original and written by an expert person who has a core knowledge of the subject. Google prefer this types of content where content provides insightful analysis or interesting information based on the facts and figure. Take a help of SEO services to provide a proper consultation while implementing EEAT.

Summary of the core algorithm 

Please keep in mind that the latest impact of Google core update 2023 October updates may impact the low-quality website in different languages, and it may take some time to fully recover your previous rankings. However, Hire SEO Expert to work to minimize down effects and negative impacts on your website and optimize your website for long-term success. Your patience during this process is more important throughout the recovery.