Lead Generation And Customer Acquisition Strategy

Published On: September 6, 2015Categories: Lead Generation

Lead Generation is an important element of any Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Consumer (B2C) marketing strategy. No matter how large or small your business is, generating a steady supply of new leads is a critical part of ever evolving business.

According to researchers, lead generation process has been undergoing substantial changes in recent years. With effective lead generation strategies, you can

    • Understand the Basic of Business Psychology
    • Identify the Prospects in the eMarketplace
    • Develop a Customized Plan to Lead’s Buying Journey

Mapping Lead Generation To Sales Funnel

To generate qualified leads and clients for your business, you need to develop a sales funnel. It is categorized into 4 stages:

Sales Funnel

The 4 L’s Of A Successful Lead Generation And Customer Acquisition Strategy

    • Lead Capture: To generate online leads, you should perform an in-depth market research and provide information what the client are looking for. In other words, you must give before they ask.
    • Lead Magnets: One of the easiest ways to convert prospects to leads. Lead magnets can come in different forms, for example- a video course, calendar, infographic, how-to ebook in PDF format, coupons, plug-in, free tickets, guide or reports, quiz or polls, webinar, etc. Moreover, it aims to maximize the number of targeted leads, offering relevant values in exchange for their contact information.
    • Landing Page Conversion Techniques: To convert visitors into leads, Landing Page Conversion is a must. It can be in the form of an advertisement or other online marketing element, when clicked, lands to the website.
    • Lead Scoring: An important element of marketing automation software that helps prioritize your leads. For example, lead score is calculated on the basis of browsing information, subscribing emails, unsubscribing emails, downloading information and so on.

What Makes Vidushi’s Service Different From The Competitors?

    • Outshine the Traditional Search Engine Optimization & Social Selling; Target Leads
    • Create Customized Plan for Your Business Needs
    • Organic & Paid Marketing for Lead Generation
    • Target Multiple Channels in a Single Plan
    • Monitor of All Channels via Analytics
    • Dedicated Adwords, Analytics & Youtube Certified Experts

Smart Insights For Lead Generation

    • Identify, Manage and Convert Leads into Sales
    • Build relationship and improve customer engagement
    • Lead Generating & Nurturing amongst Existing Customers
    • Bestow Domestic & Global Clients with Effective Lead Generation Services
    • Drive in more Incoming Traffic to Increase Profit through Sales