Mastering the Art of Conversion Optimization

Published On: May 26, 2016Categories: Lead Generation

When it comes to website marketing, one of the primary goals to focus on is to drive new and targeted traffic to the website. Today, there are available plenty of avenues to generate traffic, but majority of them are ridiculous.

With search engines still a significant driver, social media is serving as a purposeful resource businesses are using to promote their business, build their brand and bring people to the site who are not even searching for your product. But driving real traffic to the website is not that easy as it involves loads of strategies and hard work.

You need to remember one thing that non-targeted traffic does not convert into customers, automatically. Your job is to focus on targeted traffic you are already getting and convince them to become your customers.

Converting targeted traffic into customers starts before you even get the traffic.

Select Converting Keywords/Topics

Basically there are two types of targeted visitors; one- who are ready to become customers and two-who are not.

If you get people to your site before they are ready to purchase, chances are that you can get them back later. But, if you want to increase your conversion, you need to focus more on those who are already ready to buy from your site. This is where the keywords matter a lot. A searcher looking for a “bicycle” will definitely not purchase someone searching for a “2015 Honda gold wing”. Thus you need to focus more on keywords. Searchers quickly move from research to ready to buy phases.

Compelling Titles

After you are done with selecting appropriate keywords for your web pages, your focus should be on choosing compelling titles or descriptions. In the race to get clicks from search results, there are three tools to utilize:

  • The ranking
  • The title tag
  • The meta description

A compelling title and description can often drive more traffic from a lower ranking position.

Post Relevant Content

After you got a click to your website, you still have ways to turn that click into conversion. Ensure that the content you are posting is relevant to what searcher need or expects. If your content doesn’t match the title, what is the use of posting it? This can create confusion in reader’s mind. Your failure to deliver right content to the right visitor will reduce the likelihood that the visitors will turn into a customer.

Create Value and Build Trust

Trust is a crucial factor in the sales process. If your site fails at communicating the appropriate signals of trust, visitors will automatically shift their attention from your website and will make their purchase elsewhere. Sites with little or no content have problem building the needed trust. Your website should be well structured so that visitors find it interesting when navigating your web pages.

The most important way you can build trust is to have your past customers build it for you. Ensure to have testimonials spread throughout your site, and even on the product pages.

Reviews also help in building trust and help make customers feel secure. If the reviews are perfect, visitors may wonder if they are authentic.

Create a Conversion Process

Every site should have a conversion process for shifting visitors from landing page to conversion point. Every single site of a page should have a primary action that you want the visitor to take. It may be to buy or call or it may be to move them to another content page that will get them closer to the buy point.

Find out what information the visitors need and make sure the content supports that. Determine the next best courses of action and provide support to move the visitors to those actions.

We are done with all the tips and tricks. Now it’s your turn to execute them so that you can experience positive and successful results. You should always look out for ways to improve visitors experience before and after they land on your page.