Attention Marketers! Here’re the Top 3 Tech Trends 2015!

Published On: May 12, 2015Categories: Digital Marketing

Digital world is evolving at rapid pace; however, no disruption should come as a surprising element for marketing professionals. Prediction always helps; no matter which trends you are looking forward to. As the dawn of every New Year rises, everyone surviving in the digital sphere begins to predict upcoming trends, which would shape up the industry. It’s always good to know what type of technology the people around you would embrace, which is why we help you with the top three tech trends every marketer should watch in 2015. No, we don’t have the magical crystal balls; we have an even more useful stuff – search data!

Since search data is a vast collection of consumer intentions, it could work as an excellent forerunner of upcoming trends. We thus, observed Google searches and jabbed through the researched data to see what’s actually coming up for the digital marketing world in 2015.

While connected devices will now move into the domain of supporting everyday activities, the mobile technology is tremendously evolving and increasingly being used to personalize experiences, which is ultimately shaping the next generation “Internet of me”. Moreover, connectivity would achieve an incredible speed to further increase the accessibility expectations.

The Emergence of Connected Life Platforms:

You might be aware of the Internet of Things (IoT) and its ability to transfer data over a network without requiring any human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. Almost everything is driven today via connected devices. This year would in fact see these connected devices proliferating and emerging as life platforms for your day-to-day life.

These reports speak a lot!!

The IoT-related searches grew 2.5 fold

Outpacing the searches related to popular TV specs, the search for Smart TVs grew by 28%

Out of all the videos watched on YouTube, videos about connected car platforms were watched for approximately 1.4M hours. Similarly, the search for smart light bulbs was seen up 36%

As far as the health-conscious population is considered, the search related to wearable tech tripled. This means if a particular wearable device tracks how much you run every day, a shoe marketer can promote his shoe brand right there

Connectivity is now going to be the default in every product or device you use, as a result of which nearly 4.9B connected things will be in use in 2015 globally. Year over year, there would be almost 30% rise in it.

Your Smartphone Is Shaping the “Internet of Me” for You

This technology will further simplify your life from the Internet of Things to the Internet of Me. You guessed it right! It’s all about creating a personalized web experience. However, nothing more is required than your own Smartphone. While Smartphone is getting smarter in offering better experience to its users, it has become the ideal hub for all the connected platforms. In a nutshell, your mobile will now help you in everything right from driving and taking care of your home to shopping and entertainment.

In 2014, around 1.3B Smartphones have been shipped globally

People are definitely spending more time on their Smartphones than on a TV or laptop

Location-based searches on Google are quite high in number

People look for what’s best around them, which is why the search for ‘nearby’ has grown by 5% since last few years

In the past year, searches for personal health apps have been recorded to 12X growth

The evolutionary NFC (near field communication) searches that allow Smartphones to talk to objects have grown around 1.5X in last 4-5 years

The reliance on instant results is definitely hurting marketers, especially content marketers. Since you cannot expect any user to spend minutes in reading your landing page content, it’s critical to simplify the message with the vital information up front and quick details to follow. Customers want to see your store hours as soon as they hit the landing page, or they’ll simply move on to the competition.

Life Gets Faster!

Whether you are online or offline; obtaining the exact information or services that you need at a particular moment has become quite an easy task today. With increase in the number of mobile as well as connected devices and the speed of Internet & WiFi, the world is moving ahead like never before. Lag behind others, and you’ll get crushed. While the searches for “the same day delivery” are tremendous, the searches and video views related to drones are also quite high.

Whether you have a big planned shopping list or you need a last-minute shopping idea; nothing has been easy earlier. Gone are the days of spending hours finding the right product at the right shop; it’s time to imagine and forget the boundaries of time and space. To excel in 2015, you must be two steps ahead of every new trend coming in! Start thinking of setting your own tech trend now!

We suggest marketers to:

Tap into the programmatic technology to deliver the most relevant, real-time ads

Use data-driven insights to enhance customer service

Make sure consumers have a great experience with your brand on their Smartphone’s

Provide the appropriate context to make the user experience even better such as one-click ordering, location-based information, and ads with local inventory

Offer high quality 24/7 customer support

Make the whole process and communication as simple, easy and fast as possible

For expert assistance in your business’s online marketing requirements, get in touch with Vidushi’s Digital Marketing Expert today!