How Can ‘Google’ Help to Promote ‘My Business’?

Published On: November 4, 2014Categories: SMO, Social Media Marketing

Have you ever set up a small business? It’s not a simple task, especially when you are the sole resource handling every front of the business. Even if you are well versed with public relations and marketing, getting the business noticed within a short time is quite difficult. Business owners often face difficulties in marketing their products & services. However, it’s a proven fact that if you don’t market yourself, no one else will too.

So if your business lacks a good marketing strategy at this point of time, get on your feet right now!

Marketing a Small Business: Start with “Google My Business”

Online marketing is a turn-key way to market businesses on the largest platform in the world – the Internet. Google, popularly known as just a search engine, is much beyond it. It has come up with an extremely useful marketing tool for businesses – “Google My Business”. If you have not tried advertising with Google yet, now is the high time to embark on it. “Google My Business” is Google’s new unified interface, specially designed to make local business owners’ lives easier. It aims to help local businesses and brands to be better found within Google.

Local Search & Consumers’ Behavior

Since prospective consumers search for desired local businesses online, you have to establish the connection with the local search. A recent study highlights two key points regarding local search and consumers’ behavior towards local search – Consumers’ local search behavior is observed predominantly in nine verticals viz. Auto, CPG, Finance, Local Services, Media & Entertainment, Restaurant, Retail, Tech and Travel.

In a Nutshell,

  • People search local information for anything they need to purchase
  • Around 80% of consumers conduct local search for products or services, no matter they use computers, tablets, or smartphones
  • While searching for a business online, consumers often consider their location and proximity.
  • Local searchers tend to take action within a short time span (call/visit)

Facts & Figures: Statistics

  • Four consumers out of five search for local products & service providers
  • Around 88% consumers use smartphones, while around 84% use computers and tablets for their local search
  • Out of those who use smartphones, approximately 50% look for the address of a local store, 53% look for the actual directions to the store, and 54% need information about business hours of the store
  • Out of those who use computers or tablets for local search, around 38% look out for the store directions, 42% need to know about the business hours, while 45% check out the availability of the desired product at the store
  • No matter in-store or on-the-go, a majority of searches have the local intent ( 56% on-the-go and 51% in-store)


What Do Businesses Need to Achieve


When people are searching for products or services online, it’s highly essential for businesses to ‘be found’ and stand out among a huge sea of competitors. It’s important to convince people to engage with business stores and convert them in customers. The next challenge is to grow loyalty and retention of customers. Google My Business is useful for small businesses to mitigate such challenges.

Why Switch to Google My Business

“Google My Business” offers a golden chance to show up on Google

  • It enables to create and organize the online business identity, reach out to existing & new prospective customers, provide them with the right information about your business, and build worthy, active & long lasting relationships with customers
  • The “My Business” profile allows posting content about the business, products & services, and other details you want prospects to know. It further enables you to add customer reviews, manage them, edit business details and view the business metrics
  • Whatever content you post on the business profile, is consistently used across all Google properties such as Search, Maps, Google Plus, or mobile devices. So now, it doesn’t matter where do people search; you will surely show up the desired information all across Google
  • It offers a Google Plus page for your business, increases the customer coverage and builds awareness of business

“Google My Business” empowers your business to stand out from the rest.

Did you know that nearly 67% of businesses have online social presence and almost 72% of consumers prefer to trust online reviews as much as they believe in personal recommendations? Yes, simply because online customer reviews are the best and honest reflection of a business; no matter positive or negative.

For businesses, reviews are the best way to cut short the lengthy sales process and engage the right customers. Moreover, they safeguard a business from negative feedback but tell you where to improve. “Google My Business” allows highlighting and showing up client reviews and standing apart from the crowd. It’s highly recommended to encourage clients to review a business on Google. Further, optimization of the knowledge card with business description, photos and contact information helps to get a rich business identity in search.

“Google My Business” helps you engage with customers to drive sales.

For about 78% businesses today, social media is the prime factor in grabbing almost 25% of customers. This is why your business’s online identity matters. “My Business” allows to create and maintain an online community of followers and keep track of their activities regarding your business. You can also keep in touch with the online community through frequent posts, news, and activities. The engagement of a business on Google Plus is linked to Google search, leading to increased exposure on Google.

For any assistance on setting up a small or medium business, feel free to contact Vidushi’s Digital Marketing Expert Today. We would be glad to serve your business with a complete range of online marketing services. You can alternatively visit