How to Generate Leads using Content Marketing Strategies

Published On: October 28, 2014Categories: Content Marketing

Today’s digital savvy consumers are eager for informative and relative content, which provides solutions to their problems. No matter what you may read on internet, content marketing always plays an integral part in attracting online prospects; convert them to customers and reinforce them to return back to your website. In a more precise manner, Content Marketing offers audience a practical approach integrated with latest tools and technique to boost online presence, brand awareness, lead generation and customer engagement. Eventually, it’s an art of identifying the target audience, their preferences and other areas of concern.

How to Generate Leads using Content Marketing Strategies?

Most organization struggle to generate leads due to the lack of communication and poor content marketing strategies. Too often, people go on creating blogs, article and other stuffs without knowing their audience, i.e. whom to target, where to target and how to gain customer attention, which in-turn prevent brands from achieving the desired result. Now, let’s discuss how to generate leads through effective content marketing strategies.

The Basic Flow of Online Engagement: In real world scenario, to search for a particular information/data people initiate their search on Google or check out for social media sites or directory site listing or even media pages comprising of blogs/articles/press release with a link to your website. Moreover, you will follow a link or website that you often visit or trust. All these activities lead to customer engagement or drives leads/traffic into your landing page or website. As a visitor, if you find relevant information, you opt in which in-turn puts in a lead database. That’s the basic flow of online engagement/ attraction.

Basic Flow online engagement

Note: Remember to include you contact details, especially phone number to get direct calls from the clients/customers; thereby generating leads.

The Lead Generation Formula: It’s a practical approach to target the potential audience in the marketplace.

Lead generation formula


Let’s understand the formula…

The First Part – L= (AxP)

‘L’ stands for Leads; ‘A’ stands for Audience; ‘P’ stands for “Problems” i.e. Leads are the Product of the Target Audience (A) and the Problems (P)

The Second Part- (Ox (IxExC) +F

‘O’ stands for Offer; ‘I’ stands for Interest; ‘E’ stands for Easy; ‘C’ stands for Credible; ‘R’ stands for Risk; ‘F’ stands for Frequency

Lead Generation is not Data Driven or Plug-in; then you might be thinking what’s it and how it leads to drive traffic to your website? Let’s take a look at 4 essential things required to engage audience.

  • Experience– In-depth knowledge of current market scenario is a must. It will enable you to know your audience, their preferences/ choice and problems faced, if any.
  • Creativity– Add creativity and uniqueness to your content to target the potential customers. Visual-Text ads are the best example.
  • Insights– The approach to achieve your marketing goals to handle problems/issues that persists.
  • Mindset– A clear mindset is essential for online marketing. Trying out new and innovative things carries some risk and it’s but obvious that you might fail in first attempt. The next attempt you might succeed. Therefore, it’s a mix of success and failure which will keep going–on with different content marketing strategies.

Now that you know the important elements of content marketing, let’s explore the type of content that you require to gain customer’s attention. So what are the things that you will look for?

  • Check for the on-page factors such as title, title tag and meta description
  • Use social media to display offers with discounts, coupons and other call-to-action
  • Combine your offer with attractive and appealing content to educate.

Note: Most small & medium business owners promote their products and services on the website pages, which do not provide any more value to it. So, the best practice is to create blog posts and their respective landing pages to grab audience attention and generate leads.

Now, the last element of Lead Generation Formula is ‘F’- Frequency, i.e. the number of times the prospects sees the offer before taking any action.

Different Flavors of Content: 3 flours of content exist.

  • Content that Trigger Pleasure and Aspiration: What does the specific target audience desire from you? Create unique, appealing & informative content to what they are looking for?
  • Content with Logical Argument Or Perspective: Highlight the pros and cons which will help the customers to analyze. Provide a check list to display the benefits of your products and services. In addition, showcase your case studies, reviews and testimonials to get a clear idea about your services.
  • Content that Highlight Fear or Pain: Create a feedback form to know the pain areas of the client’s or narrate a story that they can relate to. You can also provide a success/failure with a set of frequently asked questions (FAQs).


How Content Turns Prospects into Customers?

  • Connect on an emotional level- decision making level
  • Build trust and relationship with the clients
  • Guides to lead generation in respect to the buying process
  • Create passionate subscribers to generate leads

Eliminates the Pain of Leads Generation through Lead Magnets/ Call-To-Action

This is the very next question that comes into the mind as how to create offers/ lead magnets. Eventually, it follows 3 steps:

1. Identify the target audience and know their preferences/choices

2. List down top 3 challenges that you have faced

3. Mention 3 questions they really want to answer

Ideas for Lead Magnet/ Call-To-Action (CTA) Content

Be precise and informative with the content creation. For example- Assessment, Whitepaper, Webinar, eBooks, Reports, Case Studies and Videos. Now the question arises as where to use your Call-To-Action?

  • Blog Posts
  • Directory Profile
  • Website
  • Social Media Channels

In the real world scenario, there are ‘N’ numbers of methods that can leverage to generate Business-to-Business (B2B) leads; but hitting the groove at the right time will take your business to the highest peak.

For an integrated and comprehensive approach to Content Marketing, get in touch with Vidushi’s Digital Marketing Expert Today!