The Role Of Marketing Automation Tools In Transformation

Published On: November 21, 2016Categories: Digital Marketing, Lead Generation

Marketing automation is typically based on a pattern and no guess work. It is a mechanism that helps sends the projected or already existing customers perfectly planned series of emails, push or in-app messages, depending upon the unique pattern of behavior in real-time. The magic of a marketing automation tool can be experienced by making the best and optimum use of the tool. There are 5 attributes, if followed well can bring you a great ROI. It helps a smooth transition of visitors to leads to paying customers. Marketing automation helps set up a work flow, these are specifically designed to convert website visitors into leads and further the leads are converted into paying customers.

Below are the 5 best ways to make use of marketing automation tools for an advantage and to sharpen the competitive edge.

#1: Determine the audience

Before you begin the creation of emails, auto responders, workflow messages and landing pages, it is very important to do some good homework on determining your audience. Relevant bio personas can be helpful and can give a direction in terms of creating relevant content, that addresses the customers clear cut needs and challenges.

#2: Alignment of the sales and marketing process

It is very important to have the sales and marketing process in sync. Recording every point of engagement to online Customer Relationship Management software, will help provide detailed customer profiles to the marketing team in order to successfully nurture leads through their buying cycle.

#3: Valuable & Good Quality Content

Content plays an imperative role in marketing. Marketing automation needs to send across right kind of messages to the target audience. This activity will not only help, lead an engaging marketing automation process, but will also make sure that it qualifies leads right from the beginning. So it is important to be –
(a) Creative
Think out of the box and stand unique, this funda will make your content more engaging and interesting.
(b) Informative
An informed audience is usually followed by better decision making, hence it is very important to educate your audience by being information via the content you publish.
(c) Focused
Being focused helps being steady and consistent in the game.

#4 Multi – channel lead nurturing

Effective marketing automation campaigns will display a Multi- channel approach that opens broader avenues, as it allows interaction with potential customers on multiple platforms. Touch points like dynamic content, emails, social media and interaction with the efficient sales team help in nurturing leads.

#5 Test Tweak Repeat

The beauty of digital marketing lies in the fact that it provides constant flow of data, to help and assist you in improving marketing campaign results. The consistent program that monitors and improves workflows has the potential to, elevate the overall competitive advantage.
Marketing automation is a multi faceted tool; it not only helps increase sales but also plays an intimidating role in increasing cross sales, up sells it also targets at improving customer care processes, making happy customers. This process will turn your customers into active fans who will not hesitate to recommend you.