Top 7 Social Media Marketing Trends for 2016

Published On: January 18, 2016Categories: Social Media Marketing

With social media dominating the world, we saw a drastic shift in the way businesses used this platform for marketing. It was sometimes back when critics insisted that social media marketing will not work out or will not be a feasible one. But now, we all are living in an era where social media rules the market by providing us with plenty of opportunities and advertising options.

The world of social media changes rapidly, with loads of new platform coming up every year. 2016 is expected to witness some influential marketing trends that will help businesses achieve quicker success. After going through detailed research, we have come up with top 7 social media marketing trends that are expected to rule 2016.

Instant updates:

This is one of the growing social media marketing trends, expected to dominate the online market in the coming years. Nowadays, social media have become completely “in-the moment” by nature and there are some posts that needs to be in-the moment for better promotion of business. The recent one to talk about is Periscope, acquired by Twitter few days back. Periscope is a live streaming app that allows one to share his/her precious moments instantly. Therefore, instant update is a remarkable step to build in social relation with your clients and also it helps in business promotion.

In-app Functionality

With Facebook adding a new feature named “Instant articles”, other social media platforms are working hard to implement in-app functionality. This will prevent users from leaving the app and will keep them engaged for long. This trend will continue in 2016, providing marketers more opportunity to engage with their targeted customers on one platform.

Buy Buttons Will Rule

Recently, Pinterest and Facebook gained attention by introducing the new “buy” feature for their users and advertisers. This feature helps users to purchase a product that they like in a sponsored post, with just one click. Instagram is also following this trend. By the end of 2016, almost every social media brand will include some kind of buy button feature as an aspect of their advertising campaigns.

User Privacy

With users becoming more concerned about their privacy settings, social media platforms are trying hard to come up with new and improved privacy setting options. Snapchat is getting more popularity because of its secure way of communication. Facebook is coming up with more privacy awareness tools for its users. After all, privacy matters a lot and platform that can offer high level of security and privacy will continue to thrive in the long run.

Demand for Organic Visibility

As the ROI of social media marketing becomes more established, it is quite obvious that there will be a huge competition for organic visibility. Social media platforms are finding it difficult to provide organic visibility to their users. Expectedly, the need to handle the pressure in providing organic visibility to the users will increase. The cost of advertising will also boost up to a huge level.

Other Platforms Will Emerge

With social media platforms achieving huge success in recent years, it is expected that customers will come across many more user-friendly platforms. But it is difficult to say whether these sites will gain popularity or not as that completely depends on their functionality and features.

Publication Options

Social platforms always want their users to stay long on their site. The best way to engage them is the integration of on-site publication. This will help you upload full-length content and customers will find it interesting to go through such publications. This trend will become more competitive in 2016. This is the reason why social media platforms are coming up with new publication options.

Marketers should stay prepared so that they can cope up with these trends, and improve company’s visibility as well as reputation. The best you can do is hire professional social media marketing expert for better results.